The caring ministries of First United Methodist Church seek to share the love of Christ with its members and friends. Our church's mission is to make and nurture Christian disciples through the presence and power of God, and this includes congregational care. Through visits, prayers, handwritten notes, and giving meaningful gifts (such as prayer shawls and fresh cut flowers), we seek to ensure that all people feel the congregation's care.
Do you visit the hospitals? Yes, we visit the hospitals seven days a week (as needed). Please call 704-636-3121 and let us know your name and what hospital you will be going to, along with the date of your admittance. The HIPAA laws prevent the hospital from letting us know that you are there, so please be sure to contact us directly to let us know about your hospital stay.
What happens if my family experiences the loss of a loved one?
When a family experiences loss, the Bereavement Team provides a luncheon for the family or reception for guests in the Fellowship Hall on the day of the funeral . We provide an environment of service, support, comfort, fellowship, and love. The Team is composed of four team leaders and a network of volunteers to make this possible for families. The Bereavement Team shows Christ's love working through His people to comfort, care, and serve
Can I share a prayer request? Yes! Please share your prayers with the pastor.
What do I need to do when my loved one dies? Please call 704-636-3121. You may also contact the pastor directly.
If I can't come to church anymore can I still receive Holy Communion? Yes, please call the Church Office to schedule a visit.
What is the columbarium? How do I purchase a niche? The Columbarium is a sacred space on the grounds where your ashes will be interred. It is located adjacent to the Sanctuary, and you can access it via the Carter Lobby. Call the Church Office to make an appointment to speak to someone about purchasing a niche.