A worship service following the death of a loved one does at least two things: it enables us to face the reality of our mortality, and comforts us in the celebration of another reality—life after death in God. As one of our creeds declares, “In life, in death, in life beyond death, we are not alone. Thanks be to God!”
It is the commitment of the clergy, staff, and music leadership of our church to assist in the preparation and implementation of a service dedicated to God’s glory for those who mourn and gather to worship at the time of death.
To this end, we have prepared these GUIDELINES AND SUGGESTIONS to assist those who mourn, and those who look to tomorrow.
Columbarium Information The Columbarium is a sacred space on the grounds where your ashes will be interred. It is located adjacent to the Sanctuary, and you can access it via the Carter Lobby. Call the Church Office to make an appointment to speak to someone about purchasing a niche.