2024 Profile a listing of committees, ministry teams, and other helpful information
Church Council
Meets every three months as First United Methodist Church’s governing body. Made up of the ministers, staff, and a cross section of the church membership. Church Council Chair: Bob Johnsen
Finance Committee
Meets as needed for the purpose of overseeing all financial matters. Made up of a representative from the Trustees, the Lay Leader, the Church Council chair, Senior Pastor and other church members. Committee Chair: Ben Weisensel
Lay Leadership
The local church official, elected by the charge conference, who serves as the primary lay representative of the local church and represents and leads the laity in ministry. The lay leader has specific responsibilities detailed in The Book of Discipline. Lay Leader: Brenda Loflin
Meets three to four times for the purpose of establishing the slate of officers and committee members for the next church year. Made up of the Senior Pastor, Lay Leader, and other church members. Committee Chair: Mark Conforti
Staff-Parish Relations Committee
Meets regularly for the purpose of overseeing all human resource and personnel matters. Made up of the Senior Pastor, a lay delegate to the Annual Conference, the Lay Leader, and other church members. Committee Chair: Deneen Jones
Meets on the third Tuesday of each month for the purpose of overseeing all matters related to the building and grounds. Made up of one minister, two staff reps, the Church Council vice-chair, and other church members. Chair: Giles Goodman