At First United Methodist Church of Salisbury, we make giving as simple as possible. There are many ways for you to make a contribution. Whether it’s in the Sunday morning offering plate or through an online contribution, you can choose from multiple giving options. Quarterly and year-end contribution statements will be sent to you by mail as a record of your giving.
On Sundays you may place a check or cash in the offering plate when it is passed during worship services. Use the envelopes found in the pew racks, or request your own personalized giving envelopes from the Church Office.
Mail or drop off your gift at the Church Office, 217 South Church Street, Salisbury, NC, 28144. Some members find it most convenient to write a check to the church monthly, as they write checks for other monthly bills. Payments using an online bill paying service should be sent to this address as well.
Consider electronic funds transfer from your checking account for a convenient method of recurring contributions. This method saves time, postage and check charges, and you don’t have to worry about forgetting to bring your contribution on Sunday.
Use a debit or credit card. You may do so using the Credit Card Kiosk available in the Narthex, or via our online giving portal. The debit or credit card information is processed through an electronic gateway service that employs encryption and other security methods to protect your financial information. Please note that the church must pay a small processing fee to receive your contribution this way.
What forms of non-cash contributions may I give to First United Methodist Church of Salisbury?
Non-cash contributions may include:
Publicly Traded Securities
Closely-Held Stock
Personal Property
Real Estate
Paid Insurance Policies
Charitable Lead Trusts
Deferred Gifts
You should always consult with your own tax advisor as to the tax deductibility of gifts in your particular situation.
Legacy Giving Click here to learn more about Legacy giving.
Does the church only want my money?
No! We encourage every Christian disciple to be nurtured through worshipping, growing, and serving in fellowship with our church community. If you would like to talk more about finding your place to serve, contact Pastor Mark.