Who are we? Open Arms is a group within the congregation of First Methodist who are actively looking for ways to make our church a safe, welcoming, and more inclusive space for all - particularly for people within the LGBTQ+ community.
What do we do? Our first official group participation in community events is hosting a booth at Salisbury Pride 2022. Before this point we've met to discuss the United Methodist current stance on human sexuality, promoted discussions on a church-wide level about our denomination's current polity, and gotten involved with past Pride events as individuals. Some of us are delegates to denominational conferences where we have the chance to vote on official policy and encourage movement toward inclusivity at a structural level.
Is the United Methodist Church welcoming to the LGBTQ+ community? We wish we could tell you the entire UMC denomination is welcoming and open, but it's not our current reality. Church policies are slow to change. Open Arms is part of the movement within the UMC to make sure all people know they are loved by God. Our group hopes to one day be able to say every UMC congregation is a safe place for all people to come and worship.
Where can I find more information? If you're thinking about visiting our church, and want to know us better before you do - please reach out to us through the Contact Us page. You can visit our YouTube Channel to watch previous worship services or worship with us via the live-stream on Sunday mornings. For more information on the Reconciling Ministries movement, you can visit their website here.
Whichever tool you use to find out more information, we would love to connect!
Reconciling Ministries Network
"equips and mobilizes United Methodists of all sexual orientations and gender identities to resist evil, injustice,and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves."