We believe that Jesus Christ gave two special gifts to the Church: the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. Jesus' first disciples honored his direction to go to the ends of the earth baptizing and making disciples. These disciples also remembered Jesus' last supper with the Apostles every time they shared meals together. Along with other Christian communities throughout the world, we appreciate God's nurture through participating in the Sacraments.
Holy Baptism
We are welcomed into the Church, the Body of Christ.
We receive new life by God's forgiveness of our sins.
We place an emphasis on God's presence and power when a person is baptized. God makes a promise, and God's promises never expire. For this reason, a person is baptized only once. And because we emphasize God's active grace made real during baptism, we baptize by sprinkling, immersion or pouring of water.
When the baptized person can answer for him or herself, this person is invited to make a public profession of faith in Jesus Christ. When the baptized person is not old enough to answer, then the person's parents or guardians answer on behalf of the child; the hope is that this young child will grow in the Christian faith and eventually experience Confirmation during Middle School.
Holy Communion
Holy Communion (also called "The Lord's Supper" or "Eucharist") is a sacred meal remembering the life, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The elements of bread and wine represent the body and blood of Jesus. We use grape juice, the unfermented fruit of the vine, so that children and people needing to avoid alcohol can participate.
Holy Communion unites the Church and sends us forth into the world to serve faithfully.
All people are welcome to share in Holy Communion. We believe that Christ invites to his Table all who love Him, who repent of their sins, and seek to live peacefully with one another.
We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month at the 11:00 and 8:30 worship services.
Please contact Pastor Mark Conforti if you would like to talk more about the Sacraments, including scheduling a Baptism.